Cover Lock Information
The Cover Lock Key (Detex P/N: ECL-405)

All Detex cover locks and keys will have the letters DT followed by a three digit number. The key number should always match the cover lock number (i.e. DT013, as shown on the ECL-230D below, would match key number DT013).
Ordering Cover Lock Keys
To order keys, call one of the following distributors:
US Mainland
Door Service
314-487-0800 Ext. 105
Universal Manufacturing
Matrix Wholesale
KM Thomas
Finding the Cover Lock
ECL-230D / ECL-230D-PH / ECL-600

On the ECL-230D / ECL-230D-PH / ECL-600, the cover lock is found on the front of the device towards the bottom (or top depending on the handing of the device).
Please note, on older ECL-230D / ECL-230D-PH / ECL-600 models, the cover lock will be located on the top or bottom side (once again, depending on handing of the device).

On all ECL-230X models, the cover lock is found on the left or right (depending on the handing of the device) of the device head.
EA-500 / EAX-500

On the EA-500 and on the EAX-500, the cover lock is found on the front of the device towards the top. It is smaller than the cylinder located at the bottom of the device.

On both surface and flush mounted EA-2500, the cover lock is located on the front of the device towards the top. It is smaller than the cylinder located at the bottom of the device.

On the EAX-3500, the cover lock is located on the front of the device to the right of the cylinder. It is smaller than the cylinder. The cover lock key part number is CL-1.
Please note, the cover lock on the EAX-3500 is not the standard screw cover lock found on other devices. Instead, it is a wafer lock (same as found on cluster mailboxes).
Don’t see your model?
Contact tech support for more models and other questions.