Electrified Exit Devices
Exit Alarm Options
Exit Alarm (EA)
This device is designed for areas that require a stand alone alarm on an emergency exit door. The internal alarm is approximately 100dB and has remote signal and remote bypass capabilities.
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Battery Powered Exit Alarm (EB)
The V40 EB is designed for primary and secondary exits that require an alarmed panic device. The 100 decibel alarm will sound when someone attempts to exit, alerting management to the unauthorized exit.
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Weatherized Exit Alarm (EB W)
This option is designed for doors and gates requiring a stand alone, battery powered, alarmed, weatherized panic device. The alarm, with approximately 100dB, will sound when someone attempts to exit, alerting management that an unauthorized exit has occurred. The internal alarm with both remote bypass and remote signaling capabilities is ideal for applications where both security and life safety are a concern.
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Controlled Entry / Exit Options
Electric Dogging (ED)
Electric Dogging is designed for entrance and exit doors with panic or fire exit hardware. When energized, and after a pushpad is depressed, the pushpad and the latch bolt remain retracted, providing push-pull operation. Relocking all devices is accomplished by using a single switch or through a fire alarm input.
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Value Series
Delayed Egress (EE)
This option provides a secure 15-second delay and a 100 decibel alarm when someone attempts to exit. This 15-second delay allows management time to respond before someone exits and the alarm deters the exit from occurring. Per life safety requirements, the V40 EE must be provided with a fire alarm input, thus providing a system override during a fire emergency.
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Electric Latch Retraction (ER EX)
The Electric Latch Retraction exit device option is designed for entrance and exit doors with panic or fire exit hardware where remote unlocking, remote dogging, access control or automatic door operation is desired.
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Value Series
Weatherized Electric Latch Retraction (ER EX W)
The Weatherized Electric Latch Retraction function is designed for entrance and exit doors with panic or fire exit hardware exposed to weather environments where remote unlocking, remote dogging, or access control is desired.
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Value Series
Delayed Egress with Magnetic Locking (EM)

The Delayed Egress with Magnetic Locking device option provides a secure 15-second delay and a 100 decibel alarm when someone attempts to exit. This 15-second delay allows management time to respond before someone exits and the alarm deters the exit from occurring. Please note: This option has been discontinued. See the EE option instead.
Delayed Egress with Latch Retraction (EE ER)
The Delayed Egress with Latch Retraction (EE ER) option is designed for applications where both delayed egress and remote unlocking, remote dogging, access control or an automatic operator is desired. The alarm in the Remote Interface Module, with approximately 100dB, will sound when someone attempts to exit. The alarm will continue to sound, but the door will remain locked for 15 seconds, which deters the unauthorized exit and provides the responsible party time to respond to the alarm.
Electric Unlock Trim (EU)
The Electric Unlock Trim provides remote means of locking or unlocking a door for authorized entry, access control, security or safety needs when used in conjunction with any Detex wide stile exit device. Perfect for use on fire-rated doors, such as stairwell doors, allowing emergency entry after fire alarm activates fail safe trim.
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Electric Unlock Trim (EU2W)
The Electric Unlock Trim provides remote means of locking or unlocking a door for authorized entry, access control, security or safety needs when used in conjunction with any Detex narrow stile exit device on doors with a minimum stile width of 4″. Perfect for use on fire-rated doors, such as stairwell doors, allowing emergency entry after fire alarm activates fail safe trim.
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Value Series
Signal Switch Options
Electric Integration (EI)
The Electric Integration device option is designed for doors that require a means of switching when someone depresses the pushpad on the panic device during egress or retracts the latch using an authorized key in an outside trim. Always used in conjunction with other security items, Electric Integration can help create various types of special locking applications. For example, when combined with a logic controller, power supply and magnetic lock, Electric Integration can help create a delayed egress system.
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Value Series
Electric Signaling (ES)
The Electric Signaling device option is designed for doors that require a means of switching when someone depresses the pushpad on the panic device during egress or retracts the latch using an authorized key in an outside trim. Always used in conjunction with other security items, Electric Signaling provides a normally closed or normally open contact that can be used for a variety of different uses such as turning on a remote horn or strobe, turning off a magnetic lock during egress or used to initiate a delayed egress system.
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Value Series
Request to Exit Signaling Switch (EX)
High Current/Voltage Request to Exit Signaling Switch (EXV)
The Request to Exit Signaling Switch device option is designed for doors that require a means of switching when someone depresses the pushpad on the panic device during egress. Always used in conjunction with other security items, the Request to Exit Signaling Switch provides a normally closed or normally open contact that can be used for a variety of different uses such as turning on a remote horn or strobe, turning off a magnetic lock during egress or used to initiate a delayed egress system.
Available on:
Value Series
Weatherized Request to Exit Signaling Switch (EX W)
Weatherized High Current/Voltage Request to Exit Signaling Switch (EXV W)
The Weatherized Request to Exit Signaling Switch device option is designed for doors or gates that require a means of switching when someone depresses the pushpad on the panic device during egress in a moist, outdoor or other such application. Always used in conjunction with other security items, the Weatherized Request to Exit Signaling Switch provides a normally closed or normally open contact that can be used for a variety of different uses such as turning on a remote horn or strobe, turning off a magnetic lock during egress or used to initiate a delayed egress system.
Available on:
Value Series
Latch Bolt Monitor (LX)
High Current/Voltage Latch Bolt Monitor (LXV)
For use on all Advantex exit devices, the Latch Bolt Monitor offers an internally mounted signal switch that monitors the position of the latch bolt. When used in conjunction with a door position switch, the Advantex Latch Bolt Monitor Switch can be used to ensure a door is secure, signal when a door is opened and closed or send an alert when someone attempts to tamper with the latch bolt.
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