Weatherized Electric Latch Retraction (ER EX W)

advantex weatherized electric latch retraction device

Available with 10/40 Rim and 20/21/50/51 Surface Vertical Rod Devices

The Weatherized Electric Latch Retraction (ER EX W) function is designed for entrance and exit doors with panic or fire exit hardware exposed to weather environments where remote unlocking, remote dogging, or access control is desired.  The ER EX W is listed as a UL panic and fire exit hardware device and conforms to UL 1034-34 Temperature Section 34, UL 1034-54 Dust Section 54, MIL-STD 810F, Method 509.4 (salt fog test), MIL-STD 810F, Method 506.4 (driving rain test) and UBC standard 7-2 (positive pressure).  Power supply and controller must be installed in a NEMA 4X enclosure or located in a controlled, moisture-free environment.


  • Works with any type of access control system
  • Provides a means for remote dogging and lockdown
  • Coated materials allow use in weatherized environments
  • Continuous duty motor for quiet operation – no solenoid
  • Simultaneous latch and pushpad retraction
  • Long term dogging capability
  • Latch retraction device comes standard with request to exit pushpad switch (EX)